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Seagate Hard Drive Serial Number

jubuecharcomsifo 2021. 1. 14. 17:30

Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.storage,misc.consumers (More info?)
I recently purchased a Seagate oem 300 GB ide drive from an ebay
vendor. He claimed in his ad that the drive had a five year
warranty. When I checked the Seagate web site, it said that the
warranty on the drive ends on 10-MAR-2006 which is only one year and
a few days.
I contacted the seller and he said:
'Currently Seagate is reworking its warranty for the drives it
manufactures. The warranty is retroactive on all its internal
drives but all the drives I currently have do not reflect the new
change in warranty status. I can either ship another drive that
seagate will warranty regardless of what the web site says or I can
refund your money.'
Is this true? Does the drive I bought (Model: ST3300831A S/N:
3NF05G94) have a five year warranty? Thank you in advance for all
I am TERRIBLY cruel to my cat. I tease him with a vine tendril
until he either jumps up in the air to bat at it or zooms around
in a circle until he gets too dizzy to stand up. What is cruel about
it is that I don't do it nearly as much as he wants me to.
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On Linux I can use smartctl to get a hard drive's vendor, model, firmware revision and serial number:

Is the hard drive's serial number (here 6SE1ZCSR0000B121LU63) guaranteed to be globally unique? Is it only unique for a specific vendor? Or even a specific model?

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Etienne Dechamps

Seagate Hard Drive Serial Number

Seagate drive serial number lookupEtienne Dechamps
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We offer donor Seagate hard drives and Seagate PCBs (Circuit Boards, Electronics Boards, etc) for Repair and Data. Submit a new service request for hard drive PCB repair and adaptation service. https://qivsww.weebly.com/blog/how-to-connect-xbox-mirror-app-to-my-mac. HDD with Serial Number: 5VC2JJP2. If your drive is connected to your computer: Seagate has created a very simple tool that will tell you the serial number and the model number of any and all Seagate, Samsung and Maxtor-brand drives connected in or to your computer. Use the DriveDetect.exe method to find both numbers. You can also use SeaTools to display each number.

6 Answers

S/N aren't guaranteed to be unique. But as different manufacturers use different schemes for generation of S/Ns, they are mostly unique. Also there aren't any reasons for manufacturers to make two or more HDDs with one S/N. I can say that if they do so it will make warranty returns very difficult. https://riacerive.tistory.com/9. How they will distiungish different devices? It is purpose of S/N.

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How to edit a pdf on mac for free. collisions are really unlikely in practice

There are some cases when software is bounded to HDD model and S/N. When HDD becomes broken, it gives a lot of pain to reconfigure all system. In such case there is option to make full duplicate of old HDD. It needs special software and/or hardware to rewrite serial number and model in HDD, but it is possible. And it can save a lot of time and/or money.

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Also when people want to install bigger HDD in their game consoles XBOX, they buy cheaper common HDDs in market and then tune these HDDs to fit XBOX by special software. This program rewrites model, S/N and some hidden information of HDD, so XBOX 'thinks' that HDD is original from console vendor. Look for instruction here.

If you really want to get unique ID of HDD, try to dig into SAS protocol specification and specifications of HDDs with such interface. You will find interesting thing

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In SAS, device and port names are worldwide unique names within a transport protocol. Port identifiers are the values by which ports are identified within a domain, and are used as SAS addresses. Phy identifiers are unique within a device.

Also from here

Each SAS port in a SAS domain has a SCSI port identifier that identifies the port uniquely within the SAS domain. It is assigned by the device manufacturer, like an Ethernet device's MAC address, and is typically world-wide unique as well. SAS devices use these port identifiers to address communications to each other.

You can read these IDs and use them to distiungish devices.

Find Seagate Serial Number

George GaálGeorge Gaál

Short answer: For my purposes, I consider them to be unique.

Long answer: Every manufacturer has its own naming scheme for serial numbers, and they are not guaranteed to be globally unique across manufacturers, but they should be unique per manufacturer as, after all, they want to be able to identify a specific unit.

Since everyone has their own schema, collisions are really unlikely in practice, but the combination of model and serial number should be unique (as long as no ones messes things up during production).

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I think every vendor uses their own serializing for their product, every serial is unique.

Are they guaranteed to be globally unique ? probably not by convention.

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Are they very likely to be globally unique ? yes

Also, most of the time the serial is a sum of serials indicating model number at the front , then batch number , etc. .

Chances of it not being unique are very very very slim.

Lucas KauffmanLucas Kauffman
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Serial numbers are by definition unique to a product, but on their own are of little use without knowing the manufacturer and product.

Technically, a serial number is an integer from 1 to infinity.

Anything else should be called an identification code, or simply an id. Film and vinyl design iso download.

Hard disks 'serial numbers' are a combination of manufacturer, model and serial number codes, so in practice, they should be unique.

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Andy Lee RobinsonAndy Lee Robinson

Maxtor Hard Drive Serial Number

Amazing as it sounds, I recently purchased a batch of ASUS Notebooks - every one had the same hard disk serial number (which I use to secure my software)Consequently, no security any more (based on disk serial number)

Seagate Hard Drive Serial Number Location

I am looking for an alternative method of securing my software to a specific computer

Remember the old days when software was sold with a 'dongle' which had to be plugged into a computer for the software to work

george siderisgeorge sideris

I recently made some code that identified the computers using our software by drive serial number. Out of about 11 stores that I gave the new code to, 3 of them had hard drives with duplicate serial numbers. It appears that hard drive serial numbers are not very consistently unique. Apparently, I'm going to have to find another means of uniquely identifying what computer is being used.

Seagate Hard Drive Serial Number

Madison KnightMadison Knight

Seagate Hard Drive Serial Number Lookup

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