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Visio 2002 Professional Iso Download

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With Visio Viewer, you can open, view, or print Visio drawings, even if you don't have Visio installed. You cannot, however, edit, save, or create a new Visio drawing with Visio Viewer. For that, you need a full version of Visio installed. If you create and edit diagrams in a full version of Visio and send those diagrams to someone who doesn't have Visio, consider having that person use Visio Viewer to view your diagram.

Where can I find Visio Viewer?

Download the latest version of Visio Viewer from the Microsoft Download Center.

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Visio 2002 Professional Iso Download


  • Visio Viewer 2010 can open Visio drawings (.vsd files) saved in Visio 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, and 2010. Visio Viewer 2010 can also open Visio XML drawings (.vdx files) saved in Visio 2002, 2003, and 2007.

  • Visio Viewer 2013 can open Visio drawings (.vsd files) saved in Visio 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, and 2013. Visio Viewer 2013 can also open Visio XML drawings (.vdx files) saved in Visio 2002, 2003, and 2007.

  • Visio Viewer 2016 can open Visio drawings (.vsd files) saved in Visio 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. Visio Viewer 2016 can also open Visio XML drawings (.vdx files) saved in Visio 2002, 2003, and 2007. How to download movies on chromebook.

View a drawing with Visio Viewer

When you open a drawing with Visio Viewer, the drawing appears inside an Internet Explorer browser window. If a drawing has more than one page, the pages are available as tabs along the bottom of the viewer.

Move the drawing

  1. Find the drawing that you want to open.

  2. Double-click the drawing to open it.


    • Visio Viewer doesn't display stencils, panes, rulers, guides, and guide points. Visio Viewer also doesn't support embedded DGN drawings, rotated pages, more than one hyperlink associated with a shape, hyperlinks associated with the drawing page, and drawing page properties.

    • Custom fill styles, line styles, and some line ends might not look the same in Visio Viewer as they do when you open the drawing with Visio.

  • Click and drag the drawing to move it around in the browser window, or use the scroll bars or arrow keys.

    Tip: If you don't want to drag, you can also click the scroll bars or press the arrow keys to pan your drawing. You can also rotate the wheel button to pan up and down or press SHIFT and rotate the wheel button to pan left and right.

  • To zoom into a specific area in your drawing, press CTRL+SHIFT and drag a rectangle around the area you want to magnify.

  • To center the page in the browser, right-click the drawing, click Zoom, and then click Whole Page.

  • To go to a different page in the drawing, click the page tab at the bottom of the drawing window.

Zoom in and out

Visio 2002 professional iso download torrent

Do any of the following to zoom in and out of your drawing:

  • To zoom in on your drawing, right-click the drawing, and then click Zoom In. Or, click the Zoom In button on the Visio Viewer toolbar. You can also press ALT+F7.

  • To zoom into a specific area in your drawing, press CTRL+SHIFT and drag a rectangle around the area you want to magnify.

  • To zoom in on a specific point in your drawing, press CTRL+SHIFT and click the point you want to magnify.

  • To zoom out of your drawing, right-click the drawing, and then click Zoom Out. Or, click the Zoom Out button on the Visio Viewer toolbar. You can also press ALT+SHIFT+F7.

  • To zoom out of a specific point in your drawing, press CTRL+SHIFT and right-click the point where you want to zoom out.

  • To zoom in or out of your drawing using a zoom percentage, right-click the drawing, click Zoom, and then click a zoom percentage, or choose a zoom percentage from the Zoom box on the Visio Viewer toolbar.

  • To zoom out and view the whole page in the Visio Viewer window, right-click the drawing, click Zoom, and then click Whole Page, or click the Zoom Page button on the Visio Viewer toolbar.

Center your drawing in the Visio Viewer window

Do one of the following to center your drawing in your browser window:

  • Right-click the drawing, click Zoom, and then click Whole Page.

  • Click the Zoom Page button on the Visio Viewer toolbar.

  • Drag your drawing to the center of the browser window.

Follow a hyperlink

  1. Position the pointer over a shape that has a hyperlink.

  2. Click the shape.

Note: To go back to your Visio drawing after you follow a hyperlink that opens in the same window, click your browser's Back button.

Go to a different page

Do one of the following to go to a different page in your drawing:

  • Click the page tab for the page you want to go to at the bottom of the drawing window.

  • Right-click the drawing, click Go to Page, and then click the page you want.

Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+PAGE DOWN to move to the next page and CTRL+PAGE UP to move to the previous page.

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View shape data stored with a shape

  • Double-click a shape in the Visio drawing.

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Shape data appears in the Properties dialog on the Shape Properties tab. If this tab is blank, the shape doesn't include any data.

Print a drawing from Visio Viewer

When you print a Visio drawing with Visio Viewer, it prints from your web browser, not from Visio.

  1. Keyshia cole fallin out free download. Set up your view of the diagram with the same zoom factor and center point in your browser window that you want to use on the printed page.

    If you want to print your entire drawing, view your entire drawing in your browser window and center it in the window. (Right-click the drawing > Zoom > Whole Page.)

  2. Open your browser’s Page Setup options to specify your printer settings. In Internet Explorer, click Tools > Print > Page Setup.

  3. Use your browser’s Print Preview option to see how the diagram will look when printed.

    If it doesn’t look right, close the Print Preview dialog box and re-center the diagram and change the zoom setting to match how you want it to look on the page.


    • If you change any settings in the Print Preview dialog box when printing from Internet Explorer, your drawing might print incorrectly. To avoid this problem, don't change any settings in this dialog box. If you must change your printer settings, change them before you print, using the Page Setup dialog box.

    • When you print a Visio drawing with Visio Viewer, it prints from your Web browser, not from Visio. Printing from a browser means your drawing might not look exactly the same as it does when you print it from Visio; you have less control over the printing process, and you can only print one page at a time.

    • When you print Visio drawings from your Web browser, the same zoom factor and center point used in your browser window are used on the printed page, so what you see on your monitor closely approximates what prints. However, always check the print preview before printing your drawing to make sure it will print the way you want it to.

Temporarily change drawing and viewer properties

  1. On the Visio Viewer toolbar, click the Properties button .

  2. Use the options on the Display tab, the Layers tab, and the Comments tab to hide and show parts of the drawing and the viewer.

Visio 2002 Professional Iso Download Pc

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?)
Hi there,
i get an error when trying to install Visio 2002 Service Pack 2 (SP2) from
Automatic Updates.
The error I get is from Visio Professional 2002
The path D:DonwloadMicrosoft Visio Pro 2002 with CDKey
insideVisio_Pro_2002Visio.msi cannot be found. Verify that you have
access to this location and try again, or try to find the installation
package Visio.msi in a folder from which you can install the product
Microsoft visio Professional 2002[English].
I cannot find the file Visio.msi. What can I do?Any suggestion?
Regards Max